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“I am not married, my wife is married” (Pedro Infante)

Pedro Infante is one the most famous singers and actors of the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema. He acted in more than 60 films, and recorded about 350 songs, but unfortunately his career ended when in a plane crash in which he was traveling he died.

He was born on 18 November 1917, in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico; in the early 1919 his family moved to Guamuchil, later in 1920, they moved to Rosario, Sinaloa. Since he was a child, he showed talent and affection for music, Infante worked as a carpenter from a young age. Delfino Infante his father fostered his keen interest in music, which inspired him to make his own guitar, a labor that took two years. In 1937, Pedro Infante sang for the first time in public at a local festival in Sinaloa.

Pedro became a star and the most beloved human being in Mexican history. He acted in films such as: Tizoc, sobre las olas, Nosotros, los pobres, Islas Marias, ¡Vuelven los Garcia!, El Gavilan Pollero, Los tres huastecos Ustedes los ricos, los tres Garcia, etc. His fame and the phenomenon of his stardom hasn’t been matched by any movie star in the years following his death. Some of his most popular songs include: Amorcito Corazón, Te Quiero Así, La Que Se Fue, El Durazno, Dulce Patria, Maldita Sea Mi Suerte, and so on.

Infante was a fanatic of aviation, something that would lead to his death. He was co-piloting a Consolidated Aircraft X B-24-D, the plane crashed 5 minutes after taking off from Mérida, Yucatán, in southeast Mexico. The death of Pedro Infante on the morning of 15 April 1957, was announced by radio.Pedro_Infante

Pedro Infante is one of the men who come into the world to be a role model, despite his limited opportunities; Pedro got what others with more opportunities cannot. only death is the only thing a human cannot avoid.


-Golden Age of Mexican (a period between 1936 and 1969[2] where the quality and economic success of the cinema of Mexico reached its peak).


 AUTHOR: Marlon Josué Martínez


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Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero


God’s reign is already present on our earth in mystery, when the Lord comes, it will be brought to perfection. That is the hope that inspire Christians. (Oscar A. Romero)

Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez the Servant of God was and still is one of the most famous persons around the world. He was assassinated because of his humanitarian effort that’s why he is one of the ten 20th century martyrs.

Romero was born on 15 August 1917, in Ciudad Barrios in San Miguel El Salvador; his parents were Santos Romero and Guadalupe Galdámez. At the age of one, Óscar was baptized into the Catholic Church. Romero entered public school, which offered only grades one through three. When finished with public school, Romero was privately tutored by Anita Iglesias until the age of thirteen.

As part of his priesthood, he entered to the minor seminary in San Miguel at the age of thirteen. Then he worked as a parish priest in San Miguel for 20 years. In 1970, Romero was appointed auxiliary bishop to San Salvador Archbishop Luis Chávez y González. On 23 February 1977, he was appointed again but this time not as auxiliary but as Archbishop of El Salvador. As Archbishop, he denounced the persecution of members of the Catholic Church who had worked on behalf of the poor.

As a resQWGN_monsenorult of his humanitarian efforts, In February 1980, he was given an honorary doctorate by the University of Louvain. By the time of his death, Archbishop Romero had built up an enormous following among El Salvadorians; this was following by an hour long speech on radio. In his sermons, he listed disappearances, tortures, murders and much else each Sunday.

Romero was shot on 24 March 1980 while celebrating Mass at a small chapel, located in a hospital called “La Divina Providencia”, one day after a sermon in which he had called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God’s higher order and to stop carrying out the government’s repression and violations of basic human rights.

Defending the human rights of the poorest is something that is priceless, and Romero defended them to death. Undoubtedly Romero was and is a Servant of God.


 AUTHOR: Marlon Josué  Martínez.

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Personal life

Escobar was born in Medellin, Colombia on 13 March 1967. He grew up in a middle-class family.[2] His father is Dario Escobar, a banker who founded an organization that gives young people the opportunity to play football instead of being on the streets.

He attended Colegio Calasanz and graduated from Instituto Conrado Gonzalez. He participated in school football teams before becoming a professional football player. Prior to his death, Escobar was engaged to his girlfriend of five years, Pamela Cascardo, a dentist. Escobar was killed one month before their wedding was to take place.

Club career.

Escobar was a defender for Colombia in the World Cup in 1990 and 1994. His jersey number was 2, and was known by the nicknames “El Caballero del Futbol” (“The Gentleman of Football” or “Football’s Knight”) and “The Immortal Number 2”. In his club career, he played for Medellín side Atlético Nacional and Swiss side Young Boys Bern. He was noted for scoring with headers and became a professional football player in 1988 at the age of 21. He helped Nacional win the Copa Libertadores in 1989.

International career.

He made his debut for the Colombia national team in 1988.escobar

He scored his only regular international goal in a 1–1 draw against England at Wembley Stadium in 1988.

Escobar’s infamous own goal occurred in a match against the United States on 22 June during the 1994 World Cup. Stretching to cut out a pass from U.S. midfielder John Harkes, he deflected the ball into his own net in the second match of Group A. The USA won the game 2–1, and as a result, the heavily favored Colombian side was eliminated from the tournament in the first round.


After the 1994 FIFA World Cup, Escobar decided to return to Colombia instead of visiting relatives in Las Vegas, Nevada.[7] On the evening of 2 July 1994, Escobar called his friends, and they went to a bar in the El Poblado, Medellín neighbourhood. Then they went to a liquor store. Shortly afterwards, they arrived at the “El Indio” nightclub. His friends split up. At approximately 3 a.m., Escobar was alone in the parking lot of “El Indio” bar, located in a Medellín suburb. Escobar was in his car, when three men appeared. They began arguing with him. Two of the men took out handguns. Escobar was shot 6 times. It was reported that the killer shouted ¡Gol!” (imitating South American football commentators)

The way we judge people most of the time it is only by the bad things they do, but it is hard for us to see the good things people do too, we make make mistakes everyday as human being that we are, but most of the errors we commit, we do not mean to commit them.

AUTHOR: Alvaro Josué Cruz Reyes.






Selena Quintanilla-Pérez (April 16, 1971 – March 31, 1995)


No one really know but her family. They did have to work though, Selena had fun outside and just being a kid. Selena also had to work at a young age with her brother Abie and sister Suzanne, they did perform at their father restaurant “Papa Goyos” that is a lot of pressure for a young child. Selena began singing at age three. When she was nine years old, her father launched a vocal group consisting of several of his children, Selena y Los Dinos.


At the 1987 Tejano Music Awards, Selena won Best Female Vocalist, an award she would dominate for the rest of her life. In 1989, José Behar, the former head of Sony Music Latin, signed Selena with Capitol/EMI. Behar later explained signed her because he thought he had discovered the next Gloria Estefan


Selena released her first album, Selena y Los Dinos, at the age of twelve. She won Female Vocalist of the Year at the 1987 Tejano Music Awards and landed a recording contract with EMI a few years later. Her fame grew throughout the early 1990s, especially in Spanishspeaking countries, and she had begun recording in English as well.

At the peak of her career, Selena visited local schools to talk to students about the importance of education. She also donated her time to civic organizations such as D.A.R.E.. These demonstrations of community involvement won her loyalty from her fan base.[22] Selena scheduled her English album for release in the summer of 1995.



On Friday March 31,1995 Selena had confronted Yolanda Saldivar about finance papers that was stolen. To get out of the situation, Saldivar lied and said that she had been raped in Mexico. When doctors found no evidence of rape, Selena demanded a answer about the finance papers. When Selena and Saldivar reached back to the hotel, they ended up engaging in a big argument. Before Selena left the hotel room, she took off the friendship ring that Saldivar bought her. As Selena turned around to give back the friendship ring, Saldivar pulled out a gun from her purse and aimed at Selena. In shock, Selena turned and tried to get out of the room and call for help. Saldivar then pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Selena in the right shoulder blade. Selena used all energy to get to the main lobby to report that she had been shot. Selena then fell on the lobby floor and screamed, “Close the door, she has a gun and shoot me again!!!!

Selena was buried at Seaside Memorial Park, in Corpus Christi, Texas.[27]


Selena’s murder had widespread impact. Major networks interrupted their regular programming to break the news. George W. Bush, then Governor of Texas, declared Selena’s birthday April 16 as “Selena Day” in Texas Selena was inducted into the “Latin Music Hall of Fame” that same year.

I really value the way Selena succeeded in her life, her family suffered very hard moments but she never gave up, she wanted to succeed and it was so due to the effort she did.

AUTHOR: Alvaro Josué Cruz.













Facundo Cabral was mute until age 9, illiterate until age 14, tragically widowed at 40 and met his father at 46.

 Songwriter, poet, and philosopher, his compositions are characterized by trove and his monologues with personal anecdotes, parables, social criticism to promote self-realization, the awakening of consciousness and spiritual reflection.”

Facundo Cabral was born in La Plata, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in a vague date and under another name.

My mother told me Facundo, but I was named as Rodolfo, the name of my father, because at that time the leader’s names like Facundo Quiroga were forbidden. Last of seven children, Facundo was raised by his mother and grandmother, as his father, Rodolfo, had abandoned the family before his birth.

Facundo Cabral was born on May 22, 1937. His parents were Sara and Rodolfo who already had two children. His father left home, leaving her mother with her three children.

During the first years of life, Facundo refused to speak absolutely, that Sarah assumed he was dumb, therefore doctors claimed that he was stupid.  The doctors told my mother I did not have high expectations because it would be very difficult for your child could do intellectual work or responsibility. I have in present very much my mother’s response: “No matter, what we got, he will make me feel proud.”

Facundo Cabral had a tough childhood and unprotected. Escape and then falls prey to the 14 years for its violent nature.


In 1959 (21 years), Facundo played the guitar very well already, getting inspiration from Atuhalpa, Yupanque, and Jose Larralda, then went to “Mar del Plata (Ciudad Balnearia in Argentina) asked for work in a hotel.

When Facundo Cabral finally decided to start singing his name, fame began interested elusive. In a theater broke my lack of public record: I played for one person.


Silvia Majdalani, declared Citizen of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires the singer Facundo Cabral. The legislator who made the presentation said, not only because the troubadour has a “vast experience in the national and international music scene” but for “his tireless work as a messenger of peace and unity of the people from the world”

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared “World Peace Messenger” (1996).


In his writing, Cabral said on occasion that he wrote about 22 books “without titles and without author”, which were considered by him as manuscripts that were edited and printed, of which there are translations in Chinese Mandarin or Japanese 24 therefore, the following is an incomplete list of his works in the literary field.

  • Paraíso a la deriva
  • Conversaciones con Facundo Cabral
  • Mi Abuela y Yo
  • Borges y Yo
  • Ayer Soñé que Podía y Hoy Puedo 1
  • Ayer Soñé que Podía y Hoy Puedo 2
  • Cuaderno de Facundo
  • No Estás Deprimido, Estás Distraído
  • Los Papeles de Cabral
  • La Magia de Cabral
  • Mi Encuentro Con Facundo Cabral


FACUNDO CABRAL: “No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá”.reu-facundo-cabral-funeral

He was killed on July 9, 2011 around 5:20 am, in Guatemala City, the victim of an attack apparently aimed at the entrepreneur Henry Fariña, which led to the singer and his representative at La Aurora International Airport from the hotel where he stayed, to continue his tour in Nicaragua with his lecture tour. The attack was perpetrated by several assassins who went on three vehicles and armed with assault rifles in the Liberation Boulevard city, leaving only hurt the entrepreneur and songwriter died.

My time is coming, and the idea is to end my days as I lived: in a hotel and in books. Indeed, libraries cover almost all the walls. A lady bought 500 copies of my book to give to friends. Those are the ones I returned after he died.


AUTHOR: Roberto Carlos Machado.







NEWTON: Physicist, philosopher, theologian, inventor, alchemist, and English mathematician.

Author of: “Philosophiaz Naturalis Principia” which described the law of universal gravitation.  Isaac Newton was an established physicist and mathematician, and is credited as one of the great minds of the 17th century Scientific Revolution. With discoveries in optics, motion and mathematics, Newton developed the principles of modern physics. In 1687, he published his most acclaimed work, Philosophiae, Natrualis, Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy).



Newton was born into a Puritan family in Woolsthorpe, a small village in Linconshire near Grantham, England, on 25 December 1642 (old calendar. His parents were Isaac Newton and Hannah Ayscough, two peasants Puritans. He never knew his father, because he died in October 1642 two months before Isaac was born.

This was possibly a traumatic event for Isaac, either the loss of his mother not having known his father. His grandmother never dedicated a fond memory until his death went unnoticed. The same happened with his grandfather, who seemed not to exist until it was discovered that he was also present in the house and Newton corresponded to affection in the same way: the disinherited Isaac.


Newton’s initial education at Cambridge was classical, focusing (primarily through secondary sources) on Aristotlean rhetoric, logic, ethics, and physics.

In 1665 Newton took his bachelor’s degree at Cambridge without honors or distinction. Since the university was closed for the next two years because of plague, Newton returned to Woolsthorpe in midyear.

  From 1667-1669, actively undertakes research on optics and was elected fellow of Trinity College. In 1669, Barrow resigns his Lucasian chair of mathematics and Newton held this post until 1696. The same year sent to Collins Barrow through his Analysis per aequationes terminorum infinite number.  

For Newton, this manuscript represents the introduction to a powerful general method, which later developed: the differential and integral calculus.

 As Newton did not want to publish his findings, it lacked more than that to reassure in his convictions, and he kept his word until 1687, year of the publication of his Principia, except perhaps another work about light that appeared in 1675.

The years between the publication of the Principia and Newton‘s permanent move to London in 1696 were marked by his increasing disenchantment with his situation in Cambridge. In the two years following his recovery that autumn, he continued his experiments in chymistry and he put substantial effort into trying to refine and extend the gravity-based theory of the lunar orbit in the Principia, but with less success than he had hoped.


Isaac suffered during his last years various kidney problems, including kidney stones atrocious, suffering one of which die-after many hours of delirium. He was respected throughout his life as any other scientist, and the proof were the various positions in which Newton honored.

This was the view that SIR ISAAC NEWTON had at the end of his life. He was highly respected, and no man has received many honors and respect, except perhaps Einstein.

Newton died on 20 March 1727 at the age of 84.

The night of March 31, 1727 (Gregorian calendar) SIR ISAAC NEWTON was buried in Westminster Abbey, next to the greatest men of England.

Author: Angel Mauricio Valencia.



